Tax-Forfeited Property Sales in Hinds County Generate Almost $197,000
The Secretary of State’s Office is releasing $196,876.83 today to Hinds County, and cities and schools within the county, representing proceeds from recent tax-forfeited property sales. This represents the return of 228 parcels to the tax rolls. Most of...
Congress seeks to fortify ban on tax payer dollars funding abortions
Efforts to protect the unborn are gaining ground across all branches of the government. I’m championing policies to help protect life. #WickerReport https://t.co/3aW6pnHEhm — Senator Roger Wicker (@SenatorWicker) June 4, 2018 Senator Roger Wicker spoke of...
YP Daily Roundup 6/4/2018
Bill Crawford bemoans the Koch Brothers influence on politics, bless his heart A foundation Charles Koch created (now defunct) spent millions over decades to fund groups advocating the Koch agenda, including conservative state-based think tanks affiliated with the...
Perry Parker: A Different Kind of Leader for a New Era
A message from Perry Parker, Republican candidate for 3rd District Congressional seat It’s become clear the last few years that we’ve entered a new era, both for Mississippi and America. The career politicians have put us in a bad place, so we need some...