MSGOP comments on the retiring of the Mississippi state flag
“Ultimately, today is not a day that erases history but a day that faces it and writes its next chapter,”
“Ultimately, today is not a day that erases history but a day that faces it and writes its next chapter,”
Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant today signed into law Senate Bill 2116, “The Heartbeat Bill,” which prohibits abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected except in cases of medical necessity.
Former Sen. Thad Cochran, a soft-spoken but powerful Republican who represented Mississippi in Congress for more than four decades, died Thursday at age 81.
“I am confident that our lawmakers will continue their work to implement conservative policies that will benefit all Mississippians, and I thank Governor Bryant for putting us on a path to a stronger future.”
Lucien Smith, Chairman of the Mississippi Republican Party, released the following statement on Attorney General Jim Hood’s decision to enter Mississippi’s gubernatorial race.